Phone: 204-233-0671


About Carlson Concrete Restoration Services

Whether you're looking for concrete repair for your damaged parking lots and walkways, or beautify your commercial, retail or industrial landscape, call Carlson Concrete Restoration Services.

Carlson has always been driven to deliver the highest level of service and value to its customers over the last 80 years of business, and with this addition Carlson will provide a more robust service to all our clients. As leaders in the commercial and industrial industry, we continue to build upon a long tradition of integrity, excellence and growth.

The benefits of restoration

Preservation and protection of structures is a sustainable and effective way to mitigate pollution, reduce solid waste and conserve natural resources.

Additionally, in most cases, concrete restoration is more economical than demolition and reconstruction. It reduces downtime and minimizes loss of revenue as well as minimizing business disruptions. Carlson Concrete Restoration is dedicated and committed to sustainable construction, providing solutions for concrete structures.

Looking after our clients’ needs and providing excellent customer service with the highest level of integrity is our motto. Our team is committed to the highest standard of customer satisfaction.

At Carlson, we firmly believe in providing the highest quality services in the concrete restoration industry today. Our services are designed and delivered allowing our clients to preserve, restore and maintain their structures. From a small repair, facility maintenance, to multi-million-dollar restoration projects, Carlson can deliver the right product and service to suit your needs.

Our team members have a strong eye for detail, they are well trained, experienced concrete professionals who strongly believe in craftsmanship.